Adoration Chapel :
In a neat and quiet crypt under the sacristy to be accessed
by going round the Shrine from the outside, is the chapel for
perpetual adoration where – in front of a picture of Jesus in
agony in the Garden of Gethsemane – there is permanent exposition
of the Blessed Sacrament.
Having loved His own who were in the world, Jesus loved them
to the end. To this love is to be attributed the divine invention
of the Eucharistic Presence, which draws to Jesus all who long
to worship God in Spirit and Truth.
It is impossible to state how many broken hearts and broken
lives have been repaired, renewed and refreshed by Jesus in
the Eucharist, which, through the centuries, has brought consolation
to the desolate, hope for the desperate, guidance for the perplexed,
contrition and pardon for the guilty, inspiration for the saints.
As a reminder of the past, It recalls to the believer the love
with which Christ laid down His life for her/his sake . As present
Presence, it assures the believer that the Lord has risen from
the dead. As pledge of future life, it inspires the believer
to look forward with confidence and trust to everlasting fulfilment.
“Come to Me all you who labour and are heavily burdened, and
I will give you rest.” ( Mathew: 11, 28) .
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