at a Glance :
Mysore is one of the garden cities of south
India famous not only for its antiquity, but for
its rare monuments of art and scenic beauty.
Situated around 770 meters above sea level it
enjoys a climate that is pleasant and
accelerating in summer as well as in winter. No
wonder there is a constant stream of tourists
all round the year from different parts of India
and abroad adding to the colourful pageantry of
its processions and popular festivals. Mysore is
also noted for the peace loving nature of its
inhabitance and for its overall communal
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to the Infant Jesus :
Devotion to the infancy of
God incarnate is actively practiced in many
centers of Christianity. Any one who attentively
and frequently reads the New Testament discovers
immediately the Origins of devotion to the
Infant Jesus. St. Luke in particular seems to
have had a particular devotion to the Christ
Child. He at any rate highlights the genuine
source of this devotion namely, the heart of
Mary. If Mary is to be considered the model of
all Christian contemplation, her devotion to her
Infant is enough inspiration for all Christians
to do the same. Christians always longed to show
their deep reverence to the incarnate Word of
God, Jesus Christ. The Child Jesus was adored by
Church Fathers like St. Athanasius and St.
Jerome. St. Jerome was attracted by the
mysteries of the birth and childhood of Jesus.
He even went to dwell in Bethlehem living near
the cave, which Christians believed to have been
the birth place of the Divine Child.
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